
Lexical Resources - Database

VerbNet.Br: database (MySQL script)

Lexical Resources - Corpus

Corpus Propbank-Br v.1.1 (with verb sense ids in Portuguese and mappings to English verb sense ids in Propbank)"

PropBank.Br 1.1: Corpus in XML format

PropBank.Br 1.1: Corpus in CoNLL format


Other versions

PropBank.Br 1.0: Corpus in XML format

PropBank.Br 1.0: Corpus in CoNLL format The CoNLL format contains the information about each token (such as lemma, morphology, etc.) separated by column. Some sentences present in the XML file are not present in this one, because of parse tree errors. This format is more compact and easier to read. The zip archive includes the division of train and test used by Erick Fonseca and Fernando Alva Manchego.

PropBank.Br: Tutorial (pdf)

Propbank.Br 2.0

Contains 8,350 instances annotated with semantic role labels (SRL). The instances were extracted from the journalistic corpus PLN-Br (Bruckschen et al., 2008) and parsed by the parser PALAVRAS (Bick, 2000). The syntactic trees in this version were not reviewed by humans, unlike Propbank-BR v.1 (Duran & Aluísio, 2012), which used the Bosque corpus (Afonso et al., 2002).


Afonso S.; Bick, E. ; Haber, E. ; Santos, D. (2002) Floresta sintá(c)tica: a treebank for Portuguese. In: Proceedings of LREC 2002.

Bick, E. (2000). The parsing system Palavras. Automatic Grammatical Analysis of Portuguese in a Constraint Grammar Framework. Aarhus University Press Aarhus.

Bruckschein, M., Muniz, F., Souza, J. G. C., Fuchs, J. T., Infante, K., Muniz, M., ... & Aluisio, S. M. (2008). Anotação linguıstica em XML do corpus PLN-BR. Série de relatórios do NILC. NILC-ICMC-USP.

Duran, M.S., Aluísio, S.M. (2012). Propbank-Br: a Brazilian Treebank annotated with semantic role labels. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, Turkey.

Other Resources

List of cliticized verbs [ZIP


Lista de verbos que admitem complementos com papel de agente [csv] [xls]

Lista de verbos que admitem complementos com papel de experienciador [csv] [xls]

Lista de verbos que admitem complementos com papel de ator [csv] [xls]

Lista de verbos que admitem complementos com papel de paciente [csv] [xls]

Todos os verbos e papéis [csv]

VerbNet.Br Gold Standard [TXT]

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